This joint statement, on behalf of the SAA and BMFA, is being released to members of both Associations as an update on the progress to date between our two organisations on the agreement to ‘work together’ in Scotland to the mutual benefit of all members.

As we now enter the Spring of 2023, we are pleased to advise members that there has been a number of productive meetings between both management teams, and we have agreed a ‘Joint Insurance arrangement’ which allows SAA members to participate in the more comprehensive BMFA Insurance scheme.   This arrangement is one example of where it has been possible to financially benefit from what is clearly a mutual synergy between our Associations and it is hoped that as we progress through the year, we will develop other areas where we can share best practice and involve ALL members in aeromodelling activities in Scotland.

During our open and frank discussions, it has become clear that both parties wish to retain an element of autonomy within the relationship and to this end the BMFA have invited applications from members to form a BMFA Scottish Area Committee, whilst the SAA wish to remain an independent Limited company and registered Scottish charity and will continue to seek volunteers to support the SAA.

It is imperative that both management teams respect each other’s positions and continue to build and grow the relationship to benefit All Scottish aeromodellers.    The BMFA have advised that SAA members will be invited to join in BMFA planned national challenges in the next month or so and the SAA are extending an open invitation to all BMFA Scottish members to join the SAA ‘fly- in’ to be held in Glenrothes on 22 & 23 April. See the attached poster or for further details.

As there are a number of areas within the separate Achievement Schemes where there are technical differences, both management teams intend to work together over the next few months to develop a combined version which will allow members to undertake the same testing and be awarded the same achievement levels, irrespective of membership of either Association.

These and other initiatives will take time to develop if we are to reach our objective of ‘providing a co-ordinated service to All members in Scotland’ and benefitting from business synergies and improved members training, it will be essential that members of both Associations support the initiatives and play a part in determining the way forward for Aeromodelling in Scotland.

We ask that members make every effort to participate in the planned joint events and we extend an open invitation to members to contact either Association directly if they wish assistance in undertaking a local event where ALL Scottish aeromodellers will be welcome.

Kind Regards

David Phipps, BMFA CEO
Steve McDonald, SAA Chairman